Murphy and Becky are still here but are leaving tonight. Boo hoo I will miss Mr.Murphy my main man. Itzy hero worships Murphy and he just puts up with her although she can be an annoying little Itzy flea jumping at his head all the time. I can be sure that Itzy will greet Murphy with more enthusiasm than she greets Dennis and I lately! We have gotten into a daily habit of ball throwing in the garden for Murphy and Becky and the pups. I love to see them afterwards; plum tuckered out!
Time is whizzing by! Neil is growing and as cute as a fuzzy button. He just turned 6 weeks on Friday. I have had no time for blogging or videos but will try and put a few in just to keep everyone up to date. It is so strange having a singleton again. I watch him in his puppy pen and he keeps himself occupied. Sometimes he goes from one thing to another (I keep changing things in his pen) pulling on toys, banging the piano and then will just climb into bed and fall asleep 10 seconds later.
Itzy tries her best to keep Neil socialized. We put a cardboard box out for Neil (the best puppy toys are disposable!) and the next thing we saw was Itzy inside the box showing Neil what to do with boxes.
This little toy car has been such a hit with the last two litters and Neil is no exception.
Zen got a few nice gifts to congratulate her on getting to the world championships. She has enjoyed them all! This cute pink handbag is from Karen and it was a big hit but, of course, all the girls wanted it. It was HANDBAGS AT DAWN!
ohh, luv the handbags at dawn, that is so funny :-)
Oh, little Neil is soooo adorable. He is so spunky, playing with that piano like Neil-ly Joel, next trying his version of "hot-rod racing" with the toy car. I bet he dangles from that rope toy like some Tarzan! That cute "little button" of a pup is unstoppable, hee-hee!
oops I forgot to say silly me that Zen with her little handbag trophy looks so happy and proud of herself. Me too I had a giggle with Handbags at Dawn
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