I thought they were being quiet and realized the baby gate was open and they were upstairs. Look what I found...
Pax is NOT impressed.
Oh well we are encouraging their tug drive anyway.
Zaz doesn't see a problem here.
As a good trainer I took this opportunity to practice down stays.
That's the best way to learn tugging! I just loved the photos of these cute little puppies!
That has really made my day, the look on their faces is priceless.
One would never shred any form of paper! Must be from their mother hahahahaha :o)
I love the pics !!!!!! The pups are tooo cute and very bad !!!!!! (But I love bad puupies)
Ok, having one puppy is a lot of work. But two? I guess you just got to laugh. Diana
I love the expression on Zaz's face - too funny.
ha ha ha. Next time i have a puppy, definitly coming to you for training!!!!
Great photos of some sweet but naughty shelties ;o)
Ha ha...looks like a Disney movie! What a cute pair.
Bad shelties (now I can say that in plural).
My shelties, particularly Kizzle, would never shred paper. I can't believe how this could possibly happen.
Luv it! the wilder the better ;-)
Double the TROUBLE! How cute are they! Congrats on Crufts...
Lynda in Canada!
I can't stop laughing. I know from experience if the puppy is quiet, trouble is brewing! :) They are wonderful!
Zeeba says "good for you puppies, take any opportunitiy to have fun and keep busy and you can check out my blog to see how I so it"
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