I am still going through photos from Thames last week. Here are some funny ones from when Nancy ran Zen. As you can see Nancy had a discussion with Zen (or did Zen have a discussion with Nancy?) which was a good thing. Zen held most of her start-lines for me the rest of that weekend. Good Nancy and Good Zen!
Sometimes photos show even more detail than video. I like this series of photos of Zen out of the chute. This is actually the spot where Zen went off course and you can see how she came out of the chute expecting to go left and by the time she corrected to go right she was already past the next jump.
I thought these two photos (although not in perfect focus) were funny as they showed the Nancy pointy finger (for which I think I deserve royalties); although it didn't quite work here as you can see Zen is in full extension over this jump! I think Nancy did not actually wag the finger quite enough. Just pointing is no good; there must be some severe wagging of the finger also.
Nancy did well with Zen considering Zen has been running on extra jet fuel since she has gotten back from maternity leave. I think the stream-lined no hair Zen is a little extra fast! Unfortunately there was a little family pride riding on this run as last year at the same show Andy ran Zen and won the class with her. Oh Nancy you must do better in order to preserve the pride of girl-power!
Here are some photos of the pups from Thames.
This is handsome Zev.
Ziga (who is a spitting image of Oz)
And this photo of Zeki I found so cute; she has Zen's extra long tongue!
And here are two funny photos. The first is a very bad dog; I am not saying who owns this very bad dog!
And I don't know why Dennis took this photos but he laughs everytime he looks at it.
It was nice to finally meet you at Nandy's on Tuesday night. My thigh muscles are unfortunately a little the worse for wear after running Leah's superfast Link (I only went to watch!!!!!!)
Being a keen walker,the Lakes are one of my favourite places - I hope you all have a lovely time.
That picture made me laugh too :o) And I think the border collie is related to one of my shelties - the launching off teh seesaw gene ( not One - we have seen how he does the seesaw - he gets his contacts!!! )
This picture made me laugh lots too (not !!!!) how bad is that monchrome mutt !!!
Wow the photos really show that power Zen has. Thank you for the lovely pictures of the puppies, have to rely on your most excellent photographer for decent piccies of my darling Zev.
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