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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Royal Canine Agility Finals

After the week in Scotland we headed down to Newbury for the UKA shows. Other than the initial panic of not FINDING the show; it was a nice relaxing show except for the fact that the rain followed us....

I like the UKA shows because you can choose to "train" a class. It is so nice to take a toy in the ring and suprise the dog with a play on a contact or after a good sequence. You don't take up anymore time as they limit your time in the ring to the course time. Like anything I am sure it can be abused but I haven't seen any problems yet.

So after the show on Saturday was the Royal Canine Finals. This is the first time UKA had these finals and I qualified Zen and Hex during the year. Nicky and Indy also qualified as well as Lisa and Chi. So FOUR OBay shelties in the final! As it should be! hehe I can only hope that all agility finals go so well for the OBay Team!

It was pouring rain during the final, you will hear the rain on the video as Dennis wrapped his video camera in a plastic bag and you can hear the rain hitting the bag! Unfortunately due to the rain there were not as many spectators as there could have been and the ones that were there were huddled under umbrellas. Since she could not judge with an umbrella, the poor judge looked drowned out there!

In the midi class Zen came 1st followed closely by Chi in 2nd! And in the "toy" class Indy came 1st followed by Hex in 2nd. Now that is a TRUE OBay sheltie sweep! I was so proud of all four of them. If I am going to be beaten I don't mind being beaten by another Obay! All four of the dogs ran fantastic and gave it their all even in the pouring rain. Rock on World Champ Tryouts!

Dennis is away for the next two days so the video will be posted later this weekend. Sorry for the delay....blame him!


helenm said...

Many congratulations on the Royal Canin Obay Sweep!

Lorna said...

Well Done to Team OBay :)

Lorna x

Anonymous said...


Sophie & Lil'Dash.