Welcome to The OBay Shelties blog! Our blog is an honest diary of our life with our dogs along with news from Obay shelties around the world.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Fab Five turn 1 week old tomorrow

It is hard to believe these little hamster-like things will be cute fluffy pups in a week or two!

The pups continue to grow and are all gaining about 1 ounce per day. Zen is still being a good mom and she is constantly hungry from feeding these little hamsters.

We have a few more name options:

OBay Catch Some Zs
OBay Catch As Catch Can
OBay I Can Catch You
OBay Catch Up To Me
OBay Catch Up!
OBay Can You Catch Me?
OBay Catch The Wind
OBay I Didn't Catch Your Name
OBay Catch (Catching) Some Rays
OBay Catch Me By Surprise

Agility training has fallen by the wayside this past week. It is hard to train Hex in the back garden without Zen hearing what is going on. I do not want to stress Zen as she goes crazy when she hears me in the back with other dogs. It is Hex's agility debut next weekend so we better find a way to get out there and train!

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